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Easing the Journey Through Shadow & Light

The Remarkable Place Where Humans (Maybe) Reside But Mostly We Don't Want to Know...Or Do We?


Anti-Anxiety Tool of the Week: It's Okay to Swish Your Feet Around

Decades ago, I worked with a woman who had been diagnosed with Type I diabetes as a child. During the time I knew her she suffered through several serious, sometimes life-threatening diabetic crises. At first no one could figure out what was going on so the crises continued. If anyone had a bonafide reason to whine--even scream and shout--it was her.

One day in the middle of all this she showed me a cartoon, sent by a good friend. In it two older women are talking; one is looking kind of despondent. The other one says, "You shouldn't wallow in self-pity. But it's OK to put your feet in it and swish them around a little."

The cartoon made me smile. I was also very impressed with my coworker--I didn't think she had been wallowing at all, just reacting reasonably to a difficult situation. But she said that was why she loved her friend so much; the woman knew her well enough to know when to remind her about balance.

So, go ahead, swish your feet around a little--it's good for your balance.

The Remarkable Place Where Humans (Maybe) Reside But Mostly We Don't Want to Know. Or Do We?

We are suspended between

source and resource,

comfort and glory,


and travail.

Good-bye and


And good-bye.

Along that edge of exquisite pleasure

we get a momentary view of beyond.

Do we want more?

Until next time,


Image credits:

Cartoon, Richard Guindon

Storm, Johannes Plenio,

Trees, Johannes Plenio, unSplash


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